Eleven minutes of walking enough to avert many premature deaths, researchers find
by Hospital + Health | Hospital Equipment and Medical Products Suppliers Directory on 03-Apr-2023

Walking briskly for just 11 minutes a day could prevent one out of every 10 premature deaths, a wide-ranging study has found. The study conducted by Cambridge University reviewed 196 articles with 30 million participants, and found even a small dose of moderate exercise can make a dramatic difference to long term health.
Half the recommended minimum levels of exercise are enough to reduce the chance of a premature death, the researchers concluded. Seventy-five minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity each week would be substantially life-changing. The study found a strong association with moderate exercise and reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.
Those who did exercise like brisk walks had a 27 per cent lower risk of cardiovascular disease, which is directly linked to heart failure, heart disease and stroke. Those who exercised were less likely to develop head and neck cancer, myeloid leukaemia, myeloma and gastric cardia.
There was also a weaker link between not exercising and developing lung, liver, endometrial, colon and breast cancer. No link was found between exercise and bladder, oesophageal, prostate and rectal cancer. The results were published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.
Source: NineNews/health
Source: NineNews/health