Hot, wet start to Summer sees fly numbers boom across Australia
in by Hospital + Health | Hospital Equipment and Medical Products Suppliers Directory 0 Reviews
No matter how much you swat, wave, yell, or occasionally swallow flies, their persistence always beats yours. And tropical to start to summer for most of the country has provided the perfect breeding conditions for these pesky insects. Associate Professor James Wallman from the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Wollongong said fly ...
How oral allergy syndrome, a form of food allergy, may be linked to your spring hay fever attacks
in by Hospital + Health | Hospital Equipment and Medical Products Suppliers Directory 0 Reviews
Key points:
Oral allergy syndrome occurs when foods prompt an allergic reaction
The symptoms can mimic those of pollen allergies that cause hay fever
Extreme reactions can include anaphylaxis, when the throat swells and closes up
Nikki Atack hasn't eaten raw fruit or vegetables for more than a year because she fears the c...
in by Hospital + Health | Hospital Equipment and Medical Products Suppliers Directory 0 Reviews
HALYARD Recognises Infection Prevention Champions in the Annual HAI Watchdog* Awards
The HALYARD HAI WATCHDOG* Awards Program recognises the efforts of dedicated healthcare facilities for their work to reduce and prevent Healthcare-associated Infections (HAIs) through staff and patient education and the use of best practices among clinicians. He...